We got one shot, so where do we go from here?
Pete finally posted 2 parts of his novella...it's coming along really nicely. I'm looking forward to reading more of it.It made me kind of want to read "Horse's Neck" again. We have to read a "leisure" book as part of the curriculum in english and I may choose that one. It was a little confusing the first time I read it because I wasn't aware of the whole "series of short stories" concept, haha.I also can't wait for Marty and the Lovehammers to tour opening for INXS. Maybe they'll decide to do their own show...? That would be so fab.I'm excited fer the whole cast to tour, as well. That would be really groovy to see Jordis and Marty right there in front of me! (They were my favourites on the show, after all...)
Well I'm going to kill some time on the telly before my next appointment of doom.Cheeri-o!P.S:
Remind you of anyone?
Bunny fun!
This is by far the funniest/cruelest (cruelest?) thing I have ever seen.
http://www.syberpunk.com/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=oolongIt's apparently a bunny who is famous for balancing things on his head.You have to scroll down and click the links to the pictures.It's really quite amusing.
That's it, I guess, haha.
Christmas comes early, this year!
Yes, I finally did my laundry yesterday. Cost me $5 too. What a rip off. Anyway, In folding the clothes, I came across at least 3 shirts and one pair of jeans that I knew weren't mine. However, they were my size, leading me to believe that they were indeed mine, and I'd just forgotten about them. In any case, Christmas came early this year, as I have increased my wardrobe. :DNothing else really going on...Taking a nice little drive today down to the store to pick up a few of the essentials. Some snack foods and a nice little plant friend for me to talk to, haha.It does get lonely up here after some time alone...Well I s'pose I'll end it here before I start getting all sappy and emotional.
Cheers, to whomever sees this. :P
Slip over here and set me free...
Just woke up. Ah this is the life, eh? I've got to get to a class at 9 but after that I'm free to do what I want, any old time.Finding it a bit difficult to get the creative juices a-flowing...the setting just distracts me.Even my favourite radio station doesn't come in up here. I'll bet that by now it sounds like I'm having a hell of a time.I really should eat something this morning.In regards to the last post; I was feeling a little lonely, and a little "charged" (wink wink) at the same time, so the poem is shit, in my opinion, it's just a little something I felt like writing down.
I even have a picture up now. How technologically advanced of me.Well I'm off.Promenade left...
How cliche...
She watches her there as she smoothes her hair downThe comb floating through like it was water.It seems odd to think she'd ever think of her at allShe stares out the windowMoonlight turning her skin milky whiteHow does she encompass such beauty in a few pithy words?The comb clatters to the floor like lighteningIt scares them into each other's armsThey huddle close in the dark,Their arms entwined,Fingers laced.Her hand travels up her back to her neck as she kisses herGently but with immense passionAnd a few whispered words are exchangedAnd her broken eyes shed a tearBecause now she knows.Her black hair flows like honey over her shoulder and she breathes in the scentOf a lover's embrace.
I'll take you on a moonlight ride...
Spent last night (as every night before) in, surfing through various "collages of crap" on the television. Just got back from astronomy..I actually seem to find it very interesting, which is odd. To me, talking about planets and stars and moons and things just doesn't seem like it'd be all that interesting.Had my very first encounter with spoiled milk, this morning, as well. I poured it into my cereal and...well it did not look like fresh milk.That reminds me; I have to talk to Lynn about my working position. It seems like I'll have my week covered in a 9 hour shift, which would really be great to be able to work 9 hours and still have time for "play", haha. But until then I'll just have to lie in waiting.I don't know why spoiled milk reminded me of that.In other news...People are starting to get all snippy and have arguements on Pete's comment space. I feel really bad. If they want to talk about their opinions, there are plenty of online venues to do so, y'know? The diary should be reserved for his friends and fans. How rude of some people to visit just to comment something nasty. That always ticks me off. Oh people. When will they learn, eh?I think perhaps I'll try to watch a movie later on, sometime before "Rockstar" tonight.Clockwork Orange, anyone?
How about a little introduction?
Okay let's give this a go, shall we?
The name's Lindsay. I like rock music and jazz.
And cookies.
And pretty boys and tough looking birds.
And I also like to imagine I'm British.
It's fun you should all give it a try sometime.
I'm obsessed with the show "Rockstar: INXS", particlarly Marty, whom I would like to do naughty things to.
I really dug Jordis also, but now she's gone. And I am sad.
I can be found online about 23 hours a day.
I'll talk to pretty much anyone.
I love Pete Townshend, and am oh-so-thrilled that he has a blog.
I guess I was born a few generations too late, eh?
Look what I found:

Where have all the good times gone?