A random little something.
I've been posting in my LiveJournal, so much, and have pretty much forgotten this blogger thing. I'll try to post more often, and I'll start with this little thing I wrote, recently. I thought this concept up at around 2 in the morning and didn't take it any further than what I have written. I'm not sure if I'll continue it.. it bothers me a bit that it ends so abruptly and with so many loose ends, but I have a hard time finishing anything I start, as some of you may already know. We'll see where it goes.
Rhina stretched out her entire body as she positioned herself on the sofa, letting out a quiet sigh. She was reaching for the remote control, which seemed to be miles away, when she heard a loud knock on the door. A bit startled and curious as to who could be calling her at this hour, she glanced at the clock to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Still in a slight haze of confusion, she stood up and straightened out her clothes very carefully, to be sure she would look somewhat presentable to whoever could be waiting on the other side of the door. She glanced at the clock once more as the knock came again, just as persistent as before. After another moment, she finally approached the door and opened it slowly, leaving just enough space for her to cautiously poke her head out.
"Hello?" she asked timidly, staring back at the smiling face with bright green eyes, in front of her.
"Oh good, you're home! I knew you would be." replied the stranger, who proceeded to push the door open; gently, but enough to send Rhina stumbling backwards as the stranger entered her house.
"Who are you..?" she asked, quietly, slowly making her way in front of the still smiling stranger, who was now gazing around her living room and nodding appreciatively.
"You've got such a wonderful home.. just like I imagined it would be. So colourful.." replied the stranger, who appeared oblivious and completely absorbed in his surroundings.
"Look, if you don't tell me who you are right this instant, I'll.. I'll call the police." stammered Rhina, casting a nervous glare in the strangers direction. She was now becoming more wary and afraid of this seemingly happy stranger peering around her living room.
As soon as Rhina had finished her sentence, the stranger immediately stopped glancing around, and directed his smiling eyes back at Rhina's, before he burst out laughing.
"The police? Oh, Rhina, I really don't think that's nec--"
"What..?" She questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. She cautiously took a step forward, leaning in, almost as if she had missed what the stranger had said.
"I just don't think that you need to--"
"How do you know my name?" she asked, cocking her head to the side slightly as she observed the stranger questionably.
"Rhina. That is your name, isn't it? Oh please don't tell me I've got the wrong house.. I really hate it when that happens.." the stranger laughed and stepped forward to place his hand on Rhina's shoulder, who promptly backed away until she hit the wall behind her.
"Who are you.. what are you doing here?" She glanced around nervously, her eyes dwelling briefly on the cabinet in the other room, where she kept her valuables. "Is it money..? Do you want money? I don't have much, but you can ha--"
She stopped short as the stranger broke out laughing, again.
"So nervous all the time! You've really got to loosen up, Rhina. It's not good to be so uptight." He smiled warmly at her and gestured to the sofa she had been relaxing on, just moments earlier.
"Sit," he said, his eyes still sparkling at her. She said nothing but regarded him with a questionable and nervous stare. He chuckled.
"I'll explain everything. Just.. sit. Please." he said again, calmly.
She glanced at the sofa nervously before nodding slowly at the stranger. She walked to it quickly and sat down rigidly, keeping her back straight and her hands folded neatly in her lap. Rhina knew how to behave politely in public, even if she hadn't the slightest idea who her public was.
"Now. I know you probably have no idea who I am, right?"
Rhina nodded, silently staring back at him, almost hypnotised by his everlasting smile. It seemed to soothe her, in some strange way.
"And you're also probably wondering why I'm here, right? he spoke calmly, smiling kindly back at her as she nodded again.
"It's.. eleven-thirty at night.." somehow the time was all she could manage to say. He laughed again, softly, and nodded back at her.
"I know. I realise you're probably very confused by all of this, and I can assure you, I'll explain everything, in time."
"In time? How did you know my name?" Rhina stumbled over her words, as her mouth tried to keep up with her thoughts.
"I know a lot more than you think I do." his smile widened in the slightest and he gave her a quick wink.
Rhina stared at him and blinked, dumbfounded, before she raised one eyebrow and looked at him skeptically.
"Oh, you do? How do I know you aren't some.. some.. god, what do they call those.." she trailed off, snapping her fingers nervously as she tried to think in the midst of her own bewilderment.
"Jehovah's Witness?" he replied smartly, giving her a sly look of his own.
"Right!" She exclaimed triumphantly before realising her actions and looking down. She continued quietly. "How do I know you aren't.."
"I'm not." he laughed and shook his head, having gone through this dozens of times. "I know nothing about that. Or Jews for Jesus, or Avon, or Boy Scouts, or any of that stuff. Man, it never gets any easier, I tell you.." he chuckled.
"Well.. if you're not.. then what are you doing here?" Rhina asked again, looking up slowly at the stranger, who sat down right next to her. The uncomfortable distance made her inclined to inch away from him, but he placed his hand lightly on her knee and smiled at her, ignoring the fact that she could not look back at him.
"I told you.. I know more than you think."
"Prove it," she muttered quietly, only glancing at the stranger out of the corner of her eye, and refusing to do so for more than a second.
"Right here.." he tapped her knee with his index finger, causing her to flinch slightly. "Right here, where I've got my finger.. under your jeans.. is a scar." Rhina stopped breathing for a moment and raised her head to look straight out in front of her.
"How did you--"
"You fell off your bike when you were six years old." he said, never breaking his calm tone or his warm smile, which was always directed at Rhina.
Slowly, Rhina turned to look at him, too stunned to speak.
His smile widened as he removed his hand from her knee. "I told you. I know things about you, Rhina. Lots of things." he said as he slid from the sofa to the floor. He sat with his legs crossed and leaned back to look up at her.
"What else?" She asked, unsure of what else to say.
"I know just about everything there is to know about you.. your hopes.. your dreams.. your fears.." he raised a finger on his hand to indicate each word, but then paused to cast Rhina a mischievous grin. "Your favourite colour.."
Rhina chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Right.." Without missing a beat, the stranger spoke.
"It's been green for the past three years, but lately you've been leaning towards blue."
Rhina's eyes widened and she stared back, chained into silence once more at the strangers knowledge.
He laughed for what seemed like the millionth time and patted her scarred knee. "Convinced yet?" he said, casting that endearing smile up at her, again.
"Alright.." she said, her eyes darting back and forth as she mapped the situation out, in her head. "Alright, so.. so say I was to believe you. That you do.. miraculously know all these things about me. Then what?" she asked, looking down into his eyes, finding eye contact with him a bit easier now.
"Well then I'd tell you to come with me, because I have some important things to show you."
"Right.. and how do I know you're not some crazy blood-thirsty axe murderer?" she questioned, standing up to look down at him, her face twisting slightly as she worried aloud. "These are dangerous times.. you can't just wander in here, tell me about my past, and expect me to follow you on some.. adventure.." Rhina muttered, watching the stranger as he stood up, now standing a good few inches taller than her. She grew a bit quieter as she observed his true height. He just smiled and shook his head.
"I'm not going to kill you. I promise."
"Oh, you promise.. so now I'm supposed to believe you, because you said some words that are supposed to make me--"
"I swear, I won't kill you!" he laughed as he stared back at her, his green eyes sparkling and wide, almost incredulous at Rhinas increasing nervousness.
"Oh yeah?" she raised her eyebrows before furrowing them and crossing her arms across her chest. Something deep inside her felt she was right and she grew more empowered as she uttered the next two words. "Prove it."
The stranger nodded slowly and glanced around, desperately thinking of a way. "Alright." He reached into his pocket and produced a worn brown leather wallet. "Take my wallet." he offered it to Rhina, who took it hesitantly, failing to see how the stranger had proved anything. "If you have my wallet, I'll always need you near. And I don't have any reason to kill you, as it is, but now that you have the wallet, I can't." Rhina nodded slowly, her brain only half-processing the strangers explanation. He headed for the door and motioned for her to follow, which she did, reluctantly.
"You could kill me and take the wallet back," she replied warily, following him out her front door, without thinking, and allowing it to close and lock, behind her. The stranger turned around and crouched down to look Rhina in the eye, still bearing that smile of his.
"Well then, I suppose you'll just have to trust me." he quipped, placing one hand on each of her shoulders. "Have some faith in humanity, will you? It's not all bad," he chuckled and patted her on the shoulder before continuing down the stony path.
Let me know your thoughts.
Rhina stretched out her entire body as she positioned herself on the sofa, letting out a quiet sigh. She was reaching for the remote control, which seemed to be miles away, when she heard a loud knock on the door. A bit startled and curious as to who could be calling her at this hour, she glanced at the clock to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Still in a slight haze of confusion, she stood up and straightened out her clothes very carefully, to be sure she would look somewhat presentable to whoever could be waiting on the other side of the door. She glanced at the clock once more as the knock came again, just as persistent as before. After another moment, she finally approached the door and opened it slowly, leaving just enough space for her to cautiously poke her head out.
"Hello?" she asked timidly, staring back at the smiling face with bright green eyes, in front of her.
"Oh good, you're home! I knew you would be." replied the stranger, who proceeded to push the door open; gently, but enough to send Rhina stumbling backwards as the stranger entered her house.
"Who are you..?" she asked, quietly, slowly making her way in front of the still smiling stranger, who was now gazing around her living room and nodding appreciatively.
"You've got such a wonderful home.. just like I imagined it would be. So colourful.." replied the stranger, who appeared oblivious and completely absorbed in his surroundings.
"Look, if you don't tell me who you are right this instant, I'll.. I'll call the police." stammered Rhina, casting a nervous glare in the strangers direction. She was now becoming more wary and afraid of this seemingly happy stranger peering around her living room.
As soon as Rhina had finished her sentence, the stranger immediately stopped glancing around, and directed his smiling eyes back at Rhina's, before he burst out laughing.
"The police? Oh, Rhina, I really don't think that's nec--"
"What..?" She questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. She cautiously took a step forward, leaning in, almost as if she had missed what the stranger had said.
"I just don't think that you need to--"
"How do you know my name?" she asked, cocking her head to the side slightly as she observed the stranger questionably.
"Rhina. That is your name, isn't it? Oh please don't tell me I've got the wrong house.. I really hate it when that happens.." the stranger laughed and stepped forward to place his hand on Rhina's shoulder, who promptly backed away until she hit the wall behind her.
"Who are you.. what are you doing here?" She glanced around nervously, her eyes dwelling briefly on the cabinet in the other room, where she kept her valuables. "Is it money..? Do you want money? I don't have much, but you can ha--"
She stopped short as the stranger broke out laughing, again.
"So nervous all the time! You've really got to loosen up, Rhina. It's not good to be so uptight." He smiled warmly at her and gestured to the sofa she had been relaxing on, just moments earlier.
"Sit," he said, his eyes still sparkling at her. She said nothing but regarded him with a questionable and nervous stare. He chuckled.
"I'll explain everything. Just.. sit. Please." he said again, calmly.
She glanced at the sofa nervously before nodding slowly at the stranger. She walked to it quickly and sat down rigidly, keeping her back straight and her hands folded neatly in her lap. Rhina knew how to behave politely in public, even if she hadn't the slightest idea who her public was.
"Now. I know you probably have no idea who I am, right?"
Rhina nodded, silently staring back at him, almost hypnotised by his everlasting smile. It seemed to soothe her, in some strange way.
"And you're also probably wondering why I'm here, right? he spoke calmly, smiling kindly back at her as she nodded again.
"It's.. eleven-thirty at night.." somehow the time was all she could manage to say. He laughed again, softly, and nodded back at her.
"I know. I realise you're probably very confused by all of this, and I can assure you, I'll explain everything, in time."
"In time? How did you know my name?" Rhina stumbled over her words, as her mouth tried to keep up with her thoughts.
"I know a lot more than you think I do." his smile widened in the slightest and he gave her a quick wink.
Rhina stared at him and blinked, dumbfounded, before she raised one eyebrow and looked at him skeptically.
"Oh, you do? How do I know you aren't some.. some.. god, what do they call those.." she trailed off, snapping her fingers nervously as she tried to think in the midst of her own bewilderment.
"Jehovah's Witness?" he replied smartly, giving her a sly look of his own.
"Right!" She exclaimed triumphantly before realising her actions and looking down. She continued quietly. "How do I know you aren't.."
"I'm not." he laughed and shook his head, having gone through this dozens of times. "I know nothing about that. Or Jews for Jesus, or Avon, or Boy Scouts, or any of that stuff. Man, it never gets any easier, I tell you.." he chuckled.
"Well.. if you're not.. then what are you doing here?" Rhina asked again, looking up slowly at the stranger, who sat down right next to her. The uncomfortable distance made her inclined to inch away from him, but he placed his hand lightly on her knee and smiled at her, ignoring the fact that she could not look back at him.
"I told you.. I know more than you think."
"Prove it," she muttered quietly, only glancing at the stranger out of the corner of her eye, and refusing to do so for more than a second.
"Right here.." he tapped her knee with his index finger, causing her to flinch slightly. "Right here, where I've got my finger.. under your jeans.. is a scar." Rhina stopped breathing for a moment and raised her head to look straight out in front of her.
"How did you--"
"You fell off your bike when you were six years old." he said, never breaking his calm tone or his warm smile, which was always directed at Rhina.
Slowly, Rhina turned to look at him, too stunned to speak.
His smile widened as he removed his hand from her knee. "I told you. I know things about you, Rhina. Lots of things." he said as he slid from the sofa to the floor. He sat with his legs crossed and leaned back to look up at her.
"What else?" She asked, unsure of what else to say.
"I know just about everything there is to know about you.. your hopes.. your dreams.. your fears.." he raised a finger on his hand to indicate each word, but then paused to cast Rhina a mischievous grin. "Your favourite colour.."
Rhina chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Right.." Without missing a beat, the stranger spoke.
"It's been green for the past three years, but lately you've been leaning towards blue."
Rhina's eyes widened and she stared back, chained into silence once more at the strangers knowledge.
He laughed for what seemed like the millionth time and patted her scarred knee. "Convinced yet?" he said, casting that endearing smile up at her, again.
"Alright.." she said, her eyes darting back and forth as she mapped the situation out, in her head. "Alright, so.. so say I was to believe you. That you do.. miraculously know all these things about me. Then what?" she asked, looking down into his eyes, finding eye contact with him a bit easier now.
"Well then I'd tell you to come with me, because I have some important things to show you."
"Right.. and how do I know you're not some crazy blood-thirsty axe murderer?" she questioned, standing up to look down at him, her face twisting slightly as she worried aloud. "These are dangerous times.. you can't just wander in here, tell me about my past, and expect me to follow you on some.. adventure.." Rhina muttered, watching the stranger as he stood up, now standing a good few inches taller than her. She grew a bit quieter as she observed his true height. He just smiled and shook his head.
"I'm not going to kill you. I promise."
"Oh, you promise.. so now I'm supposed to believe you, because you said some words that are supposed to make me--"
"I swear, I won't kill you!" he laughed as he stared back at her, his green eyes sparkling and wide, almost incredulous at Rhinas increasing nervousness.
"Oh yeah?" she raised her eyebrows before furrowing them and crossing her arms across her chest. Something deep inside her felt she was right and she grew more empowered as she uttered the next two words. "Prove it."
The stranger nodded slowly and glanced around, desperately thinking of a way. "Alright." He reached into his pocket and produced a worn brown leather wallet. "Take my wallet." he offered it to Rhina, who took it hesitantly, failing to see how the stranger had proved anything. "If you have my wallet, I'll always need you near. And I don't have any reason to kill you, as it is, but now that you have the wallet, I can't." Rhina nodded slowly, her brain only half-processing the strangers explanation. He headed for the door and motioned for her to follow, which she did, reluctantly.
"You could kill me and take the wallet back," she replied warily, following him out her front door, without thinking, and allowing it to close and lock, behind her. The stranger turned around and crouched down to look Rhina in the eye, still bearing that smile of his.
"Well then, I suppose you'll just have to trust me." he quipped, placing one hand on each of her shoulders. "Have some faith in humanity, will you? It's not all bad," he chuckled and patted her on the shoulder before continuing down the stony path.
Let me know your thoughts.
i like it. is there more? intrigued now.
girlonthewave, At
1:05 PM, May 27, 2007
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