Scene Changer

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My beat poem about Life. (Meant for a live performance.)

*slow, steady bongo beat* Life. YOU ARE.. my elixir.
*drum drum drum drum*
Every morning in my bowl.. orange juice chaser.
*drum drum drum*
Splishity splash goes the milk... I drink it down.. sugary sweet.
*drum drum.. drum drum*
LIFE. You are.. my meal. My source for ENERGY. You fill me up inside.. SO DELICIOUS.. so fulfilling..
*drum drum drum drum*
But a moment in my mouth and you go limp.. soggy as a piece of wet paper. WHY, LIFE?
Why must you love me as I taste you.. and then leave me empty..
*quiet drumbeat*
.. by lunchtime.

Thank you.


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