We don't give a damn 'bout what you're sayin'!
Hey, guess what...I finally uploaded some stuuuuff!

There they are, the fab four in all their Beatley glory. Ignore the lead glare. Close-ups, ahoy!

It's the "In The Attic" regulars, from that lovely little podcast! This took me a while. I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I may go back and ink it, even. CLOSE-UPS!

Rach and Pete! (Awr, the happy couple.)

Mikey! Cor, I lurve him.

Simon! Wiv' 'is li'l hat 'n sideburns...♥
And here is a little cartoon (with captions, in case the writing's a bit blurry) of Pete and Rachel. Oh the mis-adventures that ensue!

"Pete, no! That was a--"


"...gift." (Whoops.)
Now wouldn't that be something? Pete running round smashing guitars? I bet it's quite common... XD
Funny, Rach mentioned something about him being "destructive" as a young man, on today's show...so true! But we love 'im anyhow, eh? ;D
Today's ITA was great! I found myself giggling at so many things...especially the "lily up my arsehole" bit..! Those guys are great...I'm officially hooked!
Anywho, cheers for now, droogs!

There they are, the fab four in all their Beatley glory. Ignore the lead glare. Close-ups, ahoy!

It's the "In The Attic" regulars, from that lovely little podcast! This took me a while. I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I may go back and ink it, even. CLOSE-UPS!

Rach and Pete! (Awr, the happy couple.)

Mikey! Cor, I lurve him.

Simon! Wiv' 'is li'l hat 'n sideburns...♥
And here is a little cartoon (with captions, in case the writing's a bit blurry) of Pete and Rachel. Oh the mis-adventures that ensue!

"Pete, no! That was a--"


"...gift." (Whoops.)
Now wouldn't that be something? Pete running round smashing guitars? I bet it's quite common... XD
Funny, Rach mentioned something about him being "destructive" as a young man, on today's show...so true! But we love 'im anyhow, eh? ;D
Today's ITA was great! I found myself giggling at so many things...especially the "lily up my arsehole" bit..! Those guys are great...I'm officially hooked!
Anywho, cheers for now, droogs!
Hey Lindsay, I really love your cartoon's, and I was very happy to see you done a little Mikey cartoon, I obviously hadn't shaved, thankyou so much, I feel very special, I think you managed to get the feel of everybody, I really like the Who one and the Beatles, especially John. Thank's again, I hope you get to see the show tonight, take care, and I'll be back to check your cool blog out again soon, take care.
musicmikey, At
7:28 AM, April 19, 2006
Brilliant! I love the posture, you're great at that (also on George Harrison, especially good), and in the Attic drawings, you also get their personalities so well. Looking at Simon's, I think of that little boy Simon with his finger in the electric socket!
Bri, At
2:10 PM, April 25, 2006
Thank you!
Lynsey, At
2:15 PM, April 25, 2006
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