Scene Changer

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Cold and grey..

Not really. More like hot and sticky. I just happen to have "Shine" stuck in the ol' gulliver. I think the worst part about vacation is the being thrust back into the 'real world' once it's over.

I'm back at work, having sex-whip fights with co-workers, and snacking on minty penises. Just the typical 9-5, you know. Still recovering from my wilderness excursion. Ever get sunburned on your tits? It's most unpleasant. I'm tingly and peeling all over, but at least it doesn't hurt to lie down, anymore. Still hurts to wear a bra though.

I've printed out a couple of my photos that were already stored on the home computer, matted and framed them, and they look marvy. I won't have access to Shira until Monday, so the third chapter of Rhiannon will have to go up then. I took about 150 pictures over the week I was away, so I'll post some of those too. (Don't worry, only a select few that I particularly enjoy.) Also photos of the Boris ring, aka 'Bela', and some pictures I took around work, including multiple pieces of other spider jewlery, edible undergarments, and a giant mug that says "BAD MOTHER FUCKER". So.

In other news, I haven't been able to keep up with all the "In The Attic" shows, lately, and I feel a bit bad, not to mention out of the loop. I have gotten to see some of the concert footage, though. Fucking incredible. My copy of "Wire And Glass" should be here by the 28th. Stupid Amazon. Oh, and I've learned "Shine" and it sounds quite pretty. So long as my voice reaches as high as Rachel's. (Which it does, if I skip my 2 coffees a day.)

Coffee addict, now. Need one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. I'm up to about 2 cigs a week, as well. Usually only one after a stressful day, and then I've got to shower and spray my clothes and what not. It's too much trouble to smoke. Relaxing, though.

And this entry is extremely long and startlingly pointless.



  • Hey Lynsey, Glad you made it out of the wilderness, I have always tried to avoid burning that part of the body. painful to lie down with that burned. So sorry to say that - the albino black widow hanging outside my computer window the past month had to go. Too big; Pretty... but ugly and nasty. could do some damage to my doggies, since right below their bed on the deck. sorry Boris. Coffee OK, cigs maybe not so good. x grace

    By Blogger grace, At 1:47 AM, July 09, 2006  

  • Oh yeah, don't feel so bad, with my lame dial up I am always out of the loop with the ITA, I really hate missing it. down right frustrating.

    By Blogger grace, At 1:51 AM, July 09, 2006  

  • Hi Lynsey,
    I have gotten a sunburn on my tits too, so I know how unpleasant it is. Hope your sunburn heals up.
    Your job sounds fun! I want to get a whip, I love the sounds they make.
    Sometimes I miss ITA because I forget what time it's actually on. There's an 8 hour difference from where I live so it's usually on in the morning for me.

    By Blogger Metalchick, At 4:32 AM, July 09, 2006  

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