This is ground control to Major Tom.

Is that not the most adorable picture you've ever seen? Anyway, on to the breaking news of my life. (ie; an actual bloody update.)
Took my first stab at songwriting, today. *snooty voice* Bear in mind that I was classically trained at a conservatory as a child-prodigy, orchestrating and composing at the tender age of seven. < /braggage>) But seeing how I haven't written since I was about 14, and that it's never been anything but classical, this was a step in a different direction. I don't want to give too much away, but as of now it's called "In My Head", and [as I said to John], not to be confused with another popular song with that name. ;) Also, many of you were part of my inspiration, so for that I thank you.
Also, I am leaving for a brief holiday in the wilderness on Sunday. I shall be bringing Shira (laptop) with me, but I'm not sure if I will get any internet, or if I do, how often I'll be able to get online. Anyway, I shall try very hard to. (Lord knows I'll be bored enough.) My mother will most likely try to set me up with Adam. He's quite cute (looks a bit like a young Pete) but I just don't like the idea of being set up, y'dig? I shall take many pictures, in any event.
Rockstar: Supernova starts on the sixth, and as it pains me to say it, yes, I am excited. I miss Rockstar. It won't be the same without Marty, or Jordis, or Suzie, but I look at it as an opportunity to pick a new favourite.
Well, I s'pose that's all for now. I was planning to do a voice post with a bit of my new song. You can see how well that turned out. Anyway, keep an eye out for the next chapter in Rhiannon. I rather like the direction it's taken.
Drop me a comment. Let me know how you're doing.
Hi Lynsey, It is a great picture of Pete and Rachel. Too much fun!!! Hope your trip to the wilderness is going alright. I am doing ok, being quiet for the 4th with the dogs. They went to the beach this weekend. Lots of fun. x Grace
grace, At
3:01 PM, July 03, 2006
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