Ignite your bones.

Shitty morning --> fun day --> shitty night.
... Oh, life.
Worked for pops again, today... there was another guy working for him, as well. The car repairman's son (from next door.) He's shy and kind of cute in that offbeat sort of way. Plus, we had a brief but satisfying conversation about music and he passes my test. (He likes the classics.) Unfortunately I had to inform him that John Entwistle had been dead for 4 years. Poor boy. I might try to snap a photo without appearing too creepy.
I also officially quit T.J. Maxx, thank god. Was sick of that place.
I've got work at Spencer's 3 days next week, and tomorrow I'm presenting an award at my high school's television production award ceremony (BOLTZ). I'm an alumni. Haha.
So things are (kind of) starting to shape up. At least mum isn't breathing down my neck anymore about finding work. Now she's just breathing down my neck about working for my asshole father and breathing fumes in all day. Always gotta be something!
And now I'm off to finish my tangerine smoothie and watch a bit of television. O, the exciting life I lead!
P.S: I forgot the whole reason for making this post. I've learned "Great Gig In The Sky". Sans the vocals, of course, but it is pretty amusing to see people's reactions when you scream along and tell them it's a real song. I also learned "Brain Damage" and it sounds quite lovely on the ol' pie-ana. That is all. Over and out.
I had worked at Spencer Gifts, a few years in the past. And it was a fun place to work. We had this crazy, but cool, manager who had herself a bit of a nose candy problem, so she was hardly there, showed up late, was pretty lenient. I hope it is a good job for you, at least your Mom will be happy. Have a good weekend... x grace
grace, At
3:41 PM, June 02, 2006
Hi Lynsey,
I know how it feels to quit a shitty job. I used to work at McFuckingDonald's for two years too long. I hated that job so much that so far I have not eaten there for a whole year. I could tell you all the stories I have of working there, but it would turn into a book. It felt so good to quit there. Now I have a job as a graphic designer making Ads for a coupon book. I Love It! It's a work at home job that rocks!
I'm sorry your mom won't get off your back. My mom's the same way. Have a good weekend!
Metalchick, At
4:11 AM, June 03, 2006
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