Really quite good.

Really brilliant film. Saw this yesterday with mum after tedious hours of job hunting. I really don't know how they could make a fourth one, after seeing this. I don't want to give anything away, but perhaps if you see it, you will know what I mean. Mystique had some great one-liners, though... such as referring to one of the guards as a "meat sack". Priceless. It was really a gem though. There were even a few surprises thrown in. The X-Men movies are one of the few select series that don't easily grow stale, if you know what I mean. Like each installment doesn't lessen in quality. I'm glad the main people stayed on their contracts through all 3. Ian McKellen was outstanding, as usual, and Hugh Jackman did a wonderful job being the macho-man with claws, as well, haha. I'll probably see it again with Danielle and Caitlin next week. I want to. All-in-all just a great last installment.
Oh, and watch out for Famke. She's trouble.
thanks for sharing the review, will check it out, was thinking of it. yeah, famke was trouble in nip/tuck aswell. x Grace
grace, At
11:49 PM, May 28, 2006
I saw this movie too. I liked Jean Grey's hair, that red is very vibrant, but I didn't like Storm's hair, it looked so much better long.
The movie was really good too. If they do make another one, hopefully whoever directs it won't fix what's not broken.
Metalchick, At
10:07 PM, May 30, 2006
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