Starry, starry night...

My hands start to feel heavy, and it becomes increasingly hard to type. My vision blurs... visions of dancing yellow and green swirls pour over everything I see. Somehow I'm still half-expecting to see Kylie Minogue pop out in a glitter-saturated gown.Things start vibrating. My muscle aches and fatigue are replaced by this numb feeling of completion. My eyes keep widening, almost as if they crave to let more in through them. I've never felt so right... so sure of everything, right down to just existing. My body feels filled with some sort of divine white light... I am weightless.
My fingertips become heavier now, and it becomes even harder to formulate words using the keyboard. I feel as if a gate has been lifted, but still somehow slightly drunk on the experience, as a whole. Something heavy is trapped inside of my chest and begs to be released, but it's somehow a good feeling... it is the only thing that has any weight in my body at this point. A pleasant coolness drifts over me and I am content just to be breathing deep, full breaths. For a moment, the cage around the animal in my chest, but it soon loosens, giving way to a tingly feeling on my temples and forehead. Then my throat tightens and dries... the tightness in my chest returns as well. I cannot help but fidget my feet as my breaths become shallower. My whole body suddenly tenses, and I become shaky and unsure. My head still remains clear and untainted by anything. If only there was something worth while, floating around in there.
I finally take my first deep breath in the whole experience, an an incredible amount of pressure is released in the process. I still feel somehow tense and on edge.. but it's not a terrible feeling. Just an intense amount of clarity... I feel astoundingly alert and level-headed. I do not feel like I could conquer any sort of serious task at the moment... all I feel I could handle is sitting here, drinking in the virtual sensations these mind-numbing vibrations and tones provide.
I am a little more than half-way done with my dosage now, and my hands feel pleasantly tingly. I start to feel a bit itchy, all over, going through that "bugs over my skin" sensation, once more. I now feel, simply put, happy. And it is a pure, unadulterated happy feeling... one I haven't felt since dancing to street performers when I was five. And then I begin to fade... fade into an almost transient state. My eyes stare, wide-eyed, at the screen in front of me, and the tingly, prickly feeling engulfs my body. My amber-vision returns again, and I see intricate Oriental rug patterns dance over everything in my line of vision. It's hard to concentrate on anything... my mind is being almost automatically flushed for me. It's blanking on it's own.
I feel so loose, and so right, and so green and delightful. I succumb to the pleasantly drunk, high, euphoric state the vibrations have given me... and anxiously await the day when I try it all again.