Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday, July 12, 2007
When will we learn?
Apparently Bob Geldof is less than enamoured with this whole Live Earth proposal. He said he was getting questions from people, asking if he was the one behind it all (because, let's face it, Bob has a thing for giant beneficial concerts). He has gone on the record saying, and I quote:
"They haven't got those guarantees, so it's just an enormous pop concert or the umpteenth time that, say, Madonna or Coldplay get up on stage. I hope they're a success. But why is Gore actually organising them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect? Everybody's known about that problem for years. We are all f***ing conscious of global warming."
Now, there are a number of things wrong with his statements, in my opinion. First of all, if this is just "an enourmous pop concert", please, pray tell what he thought Live 8/Aid were? He didn't even charge MONEY for those. Even if he charged everyone a dollar, he would have made millions to donate to his cause. Granted, there weren't as many people who attended Live Earth, but at least he made a good deal of money AND awareness, which brings me to my next point.
He says "we are all fucking conscious of global warming", but the truth is, a lot of people aren't. Or, if they are, they aren't taking it seriously. Tell people that in ten years, the polar ice caps are going to melt and wipe out the polar bears, and their first response (usually) is "Oh, ten years, we have plenty of time." I believe that Al Gore's whole point with Live Earth was to make people realise that ten years is not a long time, and also that there is plenty happening, right at this moment. The last time I checked, it wasn't supposed to snow only once during the winter, or reach 120 degrees Farenheit in Nevada, in the summer. That's not normal behaviour for our weather system. It's fucking snowing in Africa... and we're just thinking "wow, that's strange".
If Bob Geldof has a problem with this, maybe he needs to get his priorities in order. Not to put down his cause, I was just as enthusiastic about Live 8, but that was to benefit Africa and third world countries, a great and noble cause. The people over there need our help and our attention. However, Live Earth is just as noble of a cause, as it LITERALLY affects everyone, the world over. If this hole in the O-Zone keeps expanding at the rate it's going, then we're all in for a horrid future. And if your attitude is "Well, yeah, but I'll probably be dead", then open your eyes. The weather alone should be enough to tip you off that something is terribly wrong, here.
If you feel the same way, go here and sign the pledge, and tell anyone you know. It''ll take you two seconds to do it. Don't just tell the people you think will care, tell everyone. I personally plan to make this my mission. Start with little things, like bringing your own canvas bag to the grocery store, shutting off the water and electricity when you aren't using them, even using environmentally friendly light bulbs helps. These things might take a little effort, but if you can potentially (quite literally) save the world, isn't it worth it? If we all take these miniscule measures to improve our own lives, perhaps we can save what natural resources we have left, and eventually the entire planet.

Spread the word.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Starry, starry night...

My hands start to feel heavy, and it becomes increasingly hard to type. My vision blurs... visions of dancing yellow and green swirls pour over everything I see. Somehow I'm still half-expecting to see Kylie Minogue pop out in a glitter-saturated gown.Things start vibrating. My muscle aches and fatigue are replaced by this numb feeling of completion. My eyes keep widening, almost as if they crave to let more in through them. I've never felt so right... so sure of everything, right down to just existing. My body feels filled with some sort of divine white light... I am weightless.
My fingertips become heavier now, and it becomes even harder to formulate words using the keyboard. I feel as if a gate has been lifted, but still somehow slightly drunk on the experience, as a whole. Something heavy is trapped inside of my chest and begs to be released, but it's somehow a good feeling... it is the only thing that has any weight in my body at this point. A pleasant coolness drifts over me and I am content just to be breathing deep, full breaths. For a moment, the cage around the animal in my chest, but it soon loosens, giving way to a tingly feeling on my temples and forehead. Then my throat tightens and dries... the tightness in my chest returns as well. I cannot help but fidget my feet as my breaths become shallower. My whole body suddenly tenses, and I become shaky and unsure. My head still remains clear and untainted by anything. If only there was something worth while, floating around in there.
I finally take my first deep breath in the whole experience, an an incredible amount of pressure is released in the process. I still feel somehow tense and on edge.. but it's not a terrible feeling. Just an intense amount of clarity... I feel astoundingly alert and level-headed. I do not feel like I could conquer any sort of serious task at the moment... all I feel I could handle is sitting here, drinking in the virtual sensations these mind-numbing vibrations and tones provide.
I am a little more than half-way done with my dosage now, and my hands feel pleasantly tingly. I start to feel a bit itchy, all over, going through that "bugs over my skin" sensation, once more. I now feel, simply put, happy. And it is a pure, unadulterated happy feeling... one I haven't felt since dancing to street performers when I was five. And then I begin to fade... fade into an almost transient state. My eyes stare, wide-eyed, at the screen in front of me, and the tingly, prickly feeling engulfs my body. My amber-vision returns again, and I see intricate Oriental rug patterns dance over everything in my line of vision. It's hard to concentrate on anything... my mind is being almost automatically flushed for me. It's blanking on it's own.
I feel so loose, and so right, and so green and delightful. I succumb to the pleasantly drunk, high, euphoric state the vibrations have given me... and anxiously await the day when I try it all again.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Death: The final frontier.
I've felt a malicious spirit before. I've seen the man who claimed to have pushed my mother down the stairs when she was pregnant. This claim was made through a Ouija board, but I've seen him. I've felt his presence, and shivered at it. I've heard my name whispered in the dark by nameless voices. I've felt anonymous arms slide around me in an embrace that lasted the night. I've seen the faces and figures of more than one, lit only by the ambient light in the room. I've seen the soft, loving eyes of a crazy piper. I've felt the warm touch of a friendly, eccentric, long lost friend in the dead of the night. I've met the familiar embrace of a relative, lost too soon to an incurable disease.
I still hear his slippers shuffling across the carpet as he settles into his chair to watch the baseball game; same time every night, like clockwork. I disctinctly recall that green crystal ashtray shaped like a shoe, where he'd ash the occasional cigar.
I still hear the purr of his motorcycle as I'm seated on the back of it, strong arms lifting me up. I remember the feel of his stubbly cheek against mine when he scooped me into his arms and hugged me like he'd never see me again.
I never knew the smell of his clothes, or the feel of his hair between my fingers. I can't recall laying against him, peacefully, as his chest rose and fell beneath me; the sounds of his breaths lulling me to sleep. I can't remember what I have not experienced, but I have these sensations; these smells and memories and private films that play on the insides of my eyelids as I slip into unconsciousness. This is what I have, and for some reason, my brain always chooses to remind me of it all at quarter of four in the morning.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Love, Reign O'er Me.
Here's Pearl Jam doing "Love Reign O'er Me". I heard it was for the new Adam Sandler movie called "Reign O'er Me" (ironically enough). It's simply fantastic, so do give it a listen, if you get a chance. Eddie Vedder's got a bloody brilliant voice. Even when he's screaming it sounds strangely melodic.
That's about it for now. I also wanted to pass on my well wishes, first-hand to Roger Daltrey. He's been a bit under the weather, as of late, but I heard he's pressing on to do more shows, despite his problems. I admire his perseverance, and I know the boys in the band are behind him 100%. Just don't overwork yourself, Rog. Stay well and healthy, all of you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My beat poem about Life. (Meant for a live performance.)
*drum drum drum drum*
Every morning in my bowl.. orange juice chaser.
*drum drum drum*
Splishity splash goes the milk... I drink it down.. sugary sweet.
*drum drum.. drum drum*
LIFE. You are.. my meal. My source for ENERGY. You fill me up inside.. SO DELICIOUS.. so fulfilling..
*drum drum drum drum*
But a moment in my mouth and you go limp.. soggy as a piece of wet paper. WHY, LIFE?
Why must you love me as I taste you.. and then leave me empty..
*quiet drumbeat*
.. by lunchtime.
Thank you.
Waters Saga: See LiveJournal for (much) more writing.
It was a beautiful summer day in the Fletcher Memorial Home when they brought him in. "He's had quite a fall.. they're keeping him here for an undetermined amount of time. That's all we know," spoke Ramona, the head nurse.
"Well who knows how long that'll be? And what are we supposed to do with him until then?" groaned Julia, another one of the nurses.
"We'll set up a room for him and care for him just like every other patient. There's nothing else we can do, this is out of my hands. We're just going to have to keep him 'round until we get told otherwise. Vera, Lucy," Ramona gestured to the two girls in uniform sitting directly in front of her. "Take his things from the front hall and stow them in 401. We'll get him settled this afternoon, when he wakes up."
The two girls exchanged brief glances with each other and then nodded before getting up and heading for the door. "If he wakes up.." Lucy muttered under her breath, causing Vera to snort quietly and swat at Lucy's arm as the two of them exited the room.
"Now. That having been taken care of, you can all go back to work. Anyone with a shift ending at five o'clock, you'll be able to sign out and pick up your check for the month at the receptionist's desk, tonight." Ramona narrowed her eyes and looked over the sea of uniformed women before her. "Anyone with a night shift, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to pick up your check, as they're still being printed." Ramona folded her arms across her perfectly pressed white collared shirt and gazed around the room once more. "Well? What are you all sitting around for? Get to work!" She barked, sending the girls all scurrying off in different directions. Ramona stopped in the hallway when she caught sight of Lucy and Vera at the end of the hallway, most likely returning from dropping off the bags.
"Lucy?" She called out to them, stopping the girls in their tracks. They stared back at their superior, awaiting their instructions.
"You and Vera.. shall be his caretakers. He'll be up there, now, waiting." With that, Ramona pivoted on her heels and clicked down the hallway. The two girls groaned and rolled their eyes.
"Great. We're stuck taking care of this bloody old geezer." Lucy snapped through her teeth, turning around to head back to the room she'd just left.
"Maybe he'll have some interesting stories about Pink Floyd," Vera whispered, giggling quietly. "I mean, this is Roger Waters we're talking about.. he's probably got a ton of them." Vera grinned smartly at her friend who only laughed and shook her head at the comment.
"Come on.. let's go get him 'settled'." Lucy grabbed Vera by the wrist and whisked her away up the stairs.
As they rounded the top of the stairs, both girls stopped suddenly as they stared at the number in front of them; 401. They exchanged one last quick glance with each other and tip-toed cautiously towards the door. Lucy was the brave one to slowly turn the handle and poke her head inside.
"Mister Waters..?" she asked timidly, boldly taking a step inside the room.
"What do you want," a low voice grumbled from the shadowed figure that was slumped in the corner.
Lucy sighed slightly, still not entirely calm, but feeling a bit more confident. She took a few more small steps into the room and gestured Vera inside.
"I'm.." she glanced quickly at Vera. "We're the nurses who'll be taking care of you. I'm Lucy and this is Vera." She clasped her hands neatly in front of her and stared back at the dimly-lit man, awaiting a response which never came.
"S.. so if you need anything, don't hesitate to call on us," Vera interjected quietly, smiling softly at the older man. "We'll be milling about, or you could ring that buzzer," she continued, gesturing to the small red button over the bed on the wall. After waiting a moment for an affirmative response and observing nothing, Vera began walking toward the button "It's right th--"
"I know where it fucking is!" snapped the patient, sending Vera scurrying backwards, blushing slightly. "Yes.. of course, sir. My mistake." She glanced over at Lucy, nervously, before casting her gaze back to the man in the corner.
"Bad enough I'm fucking stuck here, I don't need you two hovering over me like some sort of.." he trailed off, muttering angrily under his breath, until Lucy spoke up to cut him off.
"Well, if there's anything you do require, that's how to get a hold of us. Dinner is at five-thirty." Lucy nodded politely and refused to wait for a reply as she ushered Vera quickly out of the room before stepping out herself, closing the door softly behind her. "Well he's a bit nasty, isn't he?" Vera whispered, her eyes wide from the experience.
"That's going to change, I've got news for him." Lucy eyed the door suspiciously, a slight anger hidden behind them. "Come on then, let's go."
Back in his room, Roger was slumped, motionless in the chair in the corner of his room. He gazed out the window and grumbled something about hospitality under his breath. Just then, a bird fluttered by and landed in the barred windowsill. The bassist chuckled bitterly at the sight and watched it with mild interest.
"How is it out there? Bet it's bloody wonderful.. better than this fucking... prison." he laughed again and reached out to touch the bird, which flinched slightly but made no attempt to escape. Roger slid one of his long fingers through the bars and began stroking the birds soft head, delicately. After a moment of silently studying the bird, he furrowed his eyebrows slightly, as though concentrating very hard on something.
"I don't know why," he whispered quietly to the small creature, continuing to idly stroke it's feathers, "but I feel compelled to tell you that you deserve golf."
With that, the bird startled and took off into the sky, leaving Roger alone again, in his blank white room.
I know it's silly and ridiculous and all but.. isn't it amusing? I'm working on the next chapter, already, so keep an eye peeled. You ought to visit my LiveJournal; it's a lot busier than this thing is.
Take care,
A random little something.
Rhina stretched out her entire body as she positioned herself on the sofa, letting out a quiet sigh. She was reaching for the remote control, which seemed to be miles away, when she heard a loud knock on the door. A bit startled and curious as to who could be calling her at this hour, she glanced at the clock to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Still in a slight haze of confusion, she stood up and straightened out her clothes very carefully, to be sure she would look somewhat presentable to whoever could be waiting on the other side of the door. She glanced at the clock once more as the knock came again, just as persistent as before. After another moment, she finally approached the door and opened it slowly, leaving just enough space for her to cautiously poke her head out.
"Hello?" she asked timidly, staring back at the smiling face with bright green eyes, in front of her.
"Oh good, you're home! I knew you would be." replied the stranger, who proceeded to push the door open; gently, but enough to send Rhina stumbling backwards as the stranger entered her house.
"Who are you..?" she asked, quietly, slowly making her way in front of the still smiling stranger, who was now gazing around her living room and nodding appreciatively.
"You've got such a wonderful home.. just like I imagined it would be. So colourful.." replied the stranger, who appeared oblivious and completely absorbed in his surroundings.
"Look, if you don't tell me who you are right this instant, I'll.. I'll call the police." stammered Rhina, casting a nervous glare in the strangers direction. She was now becoming more wary and afraid of this seemingly happy stranger peering around her living room.
As soon as Rhina had finished her sentence, the stranger immediately stopped glancing around, and directed his smiling eyes back at Rhina's, before he burst out laughing.
"The police? Oh, Rhina, I really don't think that's nec--"
"What..?" She questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. She cautiously took a step forward, leaning in, almost as if she had missed what the stranger had said.
"I just don't think that you need to--"
"How do you know my name?" she asked, cocking her head to the side slightly as she observed the stranger questionably.
"Rhina. That is your name, isn't it? Oh please don't tell me I've got the wrong house.. I really hate it when that happens.." the stranger laughed and stepped forward to place his hand on Rhina's shoulder, who promptly backed away until she hit the wall behind her.
"Who are you.. what are you doing here?" She glanced around nervously, her eyes dwelling briefly on the cabinet in the other room, where she kept her valuables. "Is it money..? Do you want money? I don't have much, but you can ha--"
She stopped short as the stranger broke out laughing, again.
"So nervous all the time! You've really got to loosen up, Rhina. It's not good to be so uptight." He smiled warmly at her and gestured to the sofa she had been relaxing on, just moments earlier.
"Sit," he said, his eyes still sparkling at her. She said nothing but regarded him with a questionable and nervous stare. He chuckled.
"I'll explain everything. Just.. sit. Please." he said again, calmly.
She glanced at the sofa nervously before nodding slowly at the stranger. She walked to it quickly and sat down rigidly, keeping her back straight and her hands folded neatly in her lap. Rhina knew how to behave politely in public, even if she hadn't the slightest idea who her public was.
"Now. I know you probably have no idea who I am, right?"
Rhina nodded, silently staring back at him, almost hypnotised by his everlasting smile. It seemed to soothe her, in some strange way.
"And you're also probably wondering why I'm here, right? he spoke calmly, smiling kindly back at her as she nodded again.
"It's.. eleven-thirty at night.." somehow the time was all she could manage to say. He laughed again, softly, and nodded back at her.
"I know. I realise you're probably very confused by all of this, and I can assure you, I'll explain everything, in time."
"In time? How did you know my name?" Rhina stumbled over her words, as her mouth tried to keep up with her thoughts.
"I know a lot more than you think I do." his smile widened in the slightest and he gave her a quick wink.
Rhina stared at him and blinked, dumbfounded, before she raised one eyebrow and looked at him skeptically.
"Oh, you do? How do I know you aren't some.. some.. god, what do they call those.." she trailed off, snapping her fingers nervously as she tried to think in the midst of her own bewilderment.
"Jehovah's Witness?" he replied smartly, giving her a sly look of his own.
"Right!" She exclaimed triumphantly before realising her actions and looking down. She continued quietly. "How do I know you aren't.."
"I'm not." he laughed and shook his head, having gone through this dozens of times. "I know nothing about that. Or Jews for Jesus, or Avon, or Boy Scouts, or any of that stuff. Man, it never gets any easier, I tell you.." he chuckled.
"Well.. if you're not.. then what are you doing here?" Rhina asked again, looking up slowly at the stranger, who sat down right next to her. The uncomfortable distance made her inclined to inch away from him, but he placed his hand lightly on her knee and smiled at her, ignoring the fact that she could not look back at him.
"I told you.. I know more than you think."
"Prove it," she muttered quietly, only glancing at the stranger out of the corner of her eye, and refusing to do so for more than a second.
"Right here.." he tapped her knee with his index finger, causing her to flinch slightly. "Right here, where I've got my finger.. under your jeans.. is a scar." Rhina stopped breathing for a moment and raised her head to look straight out in front of her.
"How did you--"
"You fell off your bike when you were six years old." he said, never breaking his calm tone or his warm smile, which was always directed at Rhina.
Slowly, Rhina turned to look at him, too stunned to speak.
His smile widened as he removed his hand from her knee. "I told you. I know things about you, Rhina. Lots of things." he said as he slid from the sofa to the floor. He sat with his legs crossed and leaned back to look up at her.
"What else?" She asked, unsure of what else to say.
"I know just about everything there is to know about you.. your hopes.. your dreams.. your fears.." he raised a finger on his hand to indicate each word, but then paused to cast Rhina a mischievous grin. "Your favourite colour.."
Rhina chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Right.." Without missing a beat, the stranger spoke.
"It's been green for the past three years, but lately you've been leaning towards blue."
Rhina's eyes widened and she stared back, chained into silence once more at the strangers knowledge.
He laughed for what seemed like the millionth time and patted her scarred knee. "Convinced yet?" he said, casting that endearing smile up at her, again.
"Alright.." she said, her eyes darting back and forth as she mapped the situation out, in her head. "Alright, so.. so say I was to believe you. That you do.. miraculously know all these things about me. Then what?" she asked, looking down into his eyes, finding eye contact with him a bit easier now.
"Well then I'd tell you to come with me, because I have some important things to show you."
"Right.. and how do I know you're not some crazy blood-thirsty axe murderer?" she questioned, standing up to look down at him, her face twisting slightly as she worried aloud. "These are dangerous times.. you can't just wander in here, tell me about my past, and expect me to follow you on some.. adventure.." Rhina muttered, watching the stranger as he stood up, now standing a good few inches taller than her. She grew a bit quieter as she observed his true height. He just smiled and shook his head.
"I'm not going to kill you. I promise."
"Oh, you promise.. so now I'm supposed to believe you, because you said some words that are supposed to make me--"
"I swear, I won't kill you!" he laughed as he stared back at her, his green eyes sparkling and wide, almost incredulous at Rhinas increasing nervousness.
"Oh yeah?" she raised her eyebrows before furrowing them and crossing her arms across her chest. Something deep inside her felt she was right and she grew more empowered as she uttered the next two words. "Prove it."
The stranger nodded slowly and glanced around, desperately thinking of a way. "Alright." He reached into his pocket and produced a worn brown leather wallet. "Take my wallet." he offered it to Rhina, who took it hesitantly, failing to see how the stranger had proved anything. "If you have my wallet, I'll always need you near. And I don't have any reason to kill you, as it is, but now that you have the wallet, I can't." Rhina nodded slowly, her brain only half-processing the strangers explanation. He headed for the door and motioned for her to follow, which she did, reluctantly.
"You could kill me and take the wallet back," she replied warily, following him out her front door, without thinking, and allowing it to close and lock, behind her. The stranger turned around and crouched down to look Rhina in the eye, still bearing that smile of his.
"Well then, I suppose you'll just have to trust me." he quipped, placing one hand on each of her shoulders. "Have some faith in humanity, will you? It's not all bad," he chuckled and patted her on the shoulder before continuing down the stony path.
Let me know your thoughts.